America- 1776 to 2024 - R.I.P. It's OVER! This Country Is Fucking Finished! Prepare Accordingly!
Get Ready For "The End Game", Because It All Ends This Year!
The United States is Fucking Finished! It’s OVER! This will be, in history, the year it all ended!
If you are still unaware of this reality, then I worry for your personal future. If you aren’t prepared for The End, the collapse, and the soul crushing finale, then you’re probably going to die within the next 2-3 years.
As I detailed here, it’s been inevitable for a long time, however, just to underpin the “Why”, let’s reveal the set-up.
#1- World War III.
The US, the EU, and NATO, are at war with Russia, and further expanding that effort, daily. But that’s not all, because at this stage, the inevitable hot war against Russia, will instantly become a war against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and probably many other players, to be names later. Those four countries are the known, guaranteed participants, but there are surely others that are quietly waiting in the wings, to join forces with that axis, when it becomes obvious that they will be the winning team.
After over 2 years of war in the Ukraine, and facing an obvious loss, the US/EU/NATO are continuing to escalate, in their ongoing effort to make this a continent wide hot war. THIS WILL HAPPEN, and soon!
The “Multi-Polar World” is already here, and the “Global Hegemon” is on it’s last gasp; A Death Rattle that echoes the world over!
If you aren’t aware of this, then you haven’t been paying attention.
#2- Global Financial-Banking-Monetary Collapse.
This too is inevitable, and cannot be stopped! The only question that remains is will the Financial Collapse be blamed on WWIII, or will WWIII be blamed on the Financial Collapse?
Either way, they are both coming, and very soon! The sky rocketing stock market is the precipice before the fall!
National debts are enormous, growing daily, and totally unsustainable. The crushing costs of debt service has finally snowballed to the point where it cannot be hidden, fixed, painted over, or cured with borrowed fiat currency to pay the interest payments. It’s over, it’s finished, it’s running on fumes. THAT’S why Western Governments have gone on their recent spending sprees, for domestic affairs, bailouts, stimulus, and externa; war funding; Because they know that the casino is closing, and it no longer matters how much fake money they spend.
That is the absurd spending that is fueling this ridiculous stock market crescendo.
Realize that they want this collapse, a Great Reset, which they believe will give them their chance, after the chaos abates, to institute CBDC’s, Universal ID systems, absolute control and total tyranny.
But what happens during and after this complete collapse?
#3- Cloward-Piven of everything, everywhere, all at once!
THIS is why all of the Western Nations are being flooded with illegal aliens from the Third World! Their desperation, poverty, and third world upbringing will fuel the chaos that erupts when the entire system finally collapses. They are stuck here, wholly dependent on government largesse. They come from less civilized, organized, and disciplined societies, and they will become the instant agents of chaos, once the wheels come off of the American Engine! They have no choice.
#4- The Assassination of Trump is Inevitable!
Make no mistake, as I stated years ago, the Deep State cannot allow Donald Trump to re-enter the White House. I said they would jail him, steal the election, or kill him.
Now that they have jumped to the “killing him” phase, they cannot allow him to live, and they know it.
And while Trump is no savior, he is enough of a vengeful outsider, bent on vengeance, that they cannot allow him to enter office, because he will get his pound of flesh- Investigations, Prosecutions, Executions!
After attempting to kill him, and failing, they REALLY cannot allow him to enter office, and they will continue to try to kill him, until they succeed.
Why is this important? Realize that the Democrat Party in America has had three straight rigged primary elections; 2016 for Hillary, 2020 for Biden, and 2024 again for Biden. They have abandoned elections and the democratic process, completely!
And even as this has occurred, that same Democrat Party is on the cusp of replacing the demented Biden with another Front Man for the US Government! Rigged Primaries, followed by an unprecedented DNC “replacement”!
And this will occur before/during/after the murder of Donald Trump, the sole obstacle to the Deep State’s plans!
Also, if Biden refuses to step aside, they will find a way to kill him too, either by “Natural Causes”, or by a framed set-up MAGA “Patsy”!
#5- The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
This War is poised to end the State of Israel, forever! They have finally signed their Death Warrant, and nothing can change this fact. It’s over for them too, and in this case, they will use the Samson Option to destroy the ME, Western Capitols, and dozens of major cities around the world!
These snakes will not die quietly, and if the Globalists don’t succeed in starting WWIII with Russia/China/Iran/North Korea, they WILL Start it in Israel, Lebanon, Iran, Egypt, and Jordan.
However it occurs, Israel is finished, done, eliminated, gone!
In many ways, this is, because of the Satanic Jews, the most dangerous dynamic on the planet today!
However all of this evolves, it’s all coming, very soon, and 2024 will be the last year for America as we know it.
2025 will be the first year of the end of everything you’ve known.
Prepare Accordingly; It’s coming, and very soon.
Good Luck, as you may never hear from me again; It’s all that close!
You are certainly over the target. The only question at this point is timing. Meanwhile, my opinion is that Trump and Biden are just two wings of the same bird. And on that note, Putin and Biden are both getting their operating instructions for the day from the same puppet masters. The War in Ukraine is complete theatre. (The Russians can end it any time they want. Either they can just roll over Kiev or they can pull out. If Putin was for real he would do the latter. He has nuetralized Ukraine as a threat unless there is a massive and obvious buildup of NATA Boots on the Ground, something I don't think the populations of the NATA countries have the stomach for.) They are just holding it in abayance for the Perfect False Flag.
As far as the Economic Collapse goes- all the major nations are operating on the same model, including Russia and China. Where anybody is getting the funding to keep these massive bloated bureaucracies and police/military forces functioning is anybody's guess. But at this point, economic statistics and the stock markets are completely meaningless. The only purpose they serve is to butttress the facade. (Even banks are becoming obsolete in a world where you can buy stuff by zapping dots with a phone.)
TEOTWAWKI is going to be a stage production, that will culminate in the One World Order of the Antichrist and then the Second Coming.
Enjoy Armageddon.