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You are certainly over the target. The only question at this point is timing. Meanwhile, my opinion is that Trump and Biden are just two wings of the same bird. And on that note, Putin and Biden are both getting their operating instructions for the day from the same puppet masters. The War in Ukraine is complete theatre. (The Russians can end it any time they want. Either they can just roll over Kiev or they can pull out. If Putin was for real he would do the latter. He has nuetralized Ukraine as a threat unless there is a massive and obvious buildup of NATA Boots on the Ground, something I don't think the populations of the NATA countries have the stomach for.) They are just holding it in abayance for the Perfect False Flag.

As far as the Economic Collapse goes- all the major nations are operating on the same model, including Russia and China. Where anybody is getting the funding to keep these massive bloated bureaucracies and police/military forces functioning is anybody's guess. But at this point, economic statistics and the stock markets are completely meaningless. The only purpose they serve is to butttress the facade. (Even banks are becoming obsolete in a world where you can buy stuff by zapping dots with a phone.)

TEOTWAWKI is going to be a stage production, that will culminate in the One World Order of the Antichrist and then the Second Coming.

Enjoy Armageddon.

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