
Not surprisingly, this video is making the rounds, and let's just say that it hasn't aged well...


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I quote the worst parts from her in 'The Devil Visited Earth' - https://www.mikehampton.co.uk/p/devil-visited-earth-victoria-nuland-csis-lies - she was comfortable at CSIS and straight out admitted that the war was good for American business and that Germany was learning from them.

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Terrorist attack at Crocus. What's new up to this minute:

▪️ The number of deaths, according to various sources, increased to 133 (information from the Russian Investigative Committee) or 143 (data from Margarita Simonyan)

▪️ There are 107 wounded in hospital beds, including 3 children. 16 people, including 1 child, are in extremely serious condition. The condition of many patients gradually improves

▪️ Putin addressed the Russians: 11 defendants were detained, including 4 perpetrators, everyone will receive fair punishment - including those who stand behind the terrorists

▪️ Ukrainian trace: the shooters were driving towards Ukraine for a reason - a “window” had been prepared for them there and there were “corresponding contacts.” Many Russian politicians spoke harshly on this topic, directly linking the terrorist attack to Kiev.

▪️ A member of the Picnic group was found, which was supposed to perform at Crocus on the fateful day: according to a RIA Novosti source, the head of the production hid in the dressing room and then got out through the basement

▪️ Contrary to rumors, the terrorists did not and do not have Russian citizenship, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation assured. All perpetrators of the terrorist attack are foreigners

▪️ There is enough blood for the wounded, said Deputy Prime Minister Golikova, but Muscovites still stand in hours-long lines at donor points. “I can’t sit at home, what if my blood saves someone,” one of the volunteers told RIA Novosti

▪️ A new round of discussion around the death penalty: Slutsky called for “making an exception from the moratorium for terrorists.” United Russia promised to deeply study the topic and “make a decision that will meet the mood of society”

▪️ The rubble of Crocus is being dismantled by hand - mountains of twisted metal. Flowers are brought to spontaneous memorials in Moscow, other cities of Russia and abroad in an endless stream

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Mar 23Liked by Myriad Mike

"Obviously, this clearly indicates fore knowledge of the potential for an attack, and for many, this fore knowledge indicates clear complicity."

It would indicate that...in world where the intelligence milieu was run along the sensibilities of nine-year-old boys. In the world in which we reside, however, if something intelligence community-adjacent seems really straight-forward and obvious, then that's a likely indication you are supposed to be perceiving it that way, and thus that you are being played.

Neither of us know what happened (although we probably suspect the same thing...and we're probably right), but to suggest a State Department-issued terrorism alert constitutes definitive evidence of our mutual suspicions...how can I put this delicately? That is FUCKING STUPID.

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Also, add to the equation the Victoria Nuland speech about "nasty surprises" being in store for the Russians, made at almost the exact same time as these terrorists were recruited by their Imam's aid, and the fact that her "retirement" was announced right after that speech, and before the State Department Travel advisory, and things start lining up pretty neatly.

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Perhaps in this case, you and I view the word "Complicity" in a slightly different way. If the State Department had enough fore knowledge to issue their warning, specifically saying "concerts", and didn't share that detailed Intel with Moscow, then that is a form of complicity, and I am not the only person making that point.


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Proof these are the terrorists?

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You know as much as I do at this moment. It's made it to the MSM now-


But we both know that isn't proof of anything either. We'll just have to watch it continue to unfold.

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Definitely interesting. Thanks.

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I agree that fleeing the scene rather than fighting to the death is not psychology of the radical Jihadist. Such people show certain patterns of behavior, such as regular praying and filming a "Martyrdom Video" to be shown after their deaths.

I am less sure that particular weapons handing techniques can clearly show Western training. Even if they did indeed show such techniques these sorts of techniques and behaviors become diffused. A person who was trained by someone who was in turned trained by someone who was originally trained by Western special forces could show such behaviors as well.

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"A person who was trained by someone who was in turned trained by someone who was originally trained by Western special forces could show such behaviors as well."

I think this is close to what we have seen in Moscow. We may never be able to trace it back completely, but the Russians are going to get pretty close.

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Can you say "False Flag"?

If you don't think Zelensky and Putin are colluding with the cabal in the campaign to get the Sheeple to march lockstep into WW3, you is way behind the curve, mate.

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I'm open to countless counter-narrative concepts, but I can't see a path that includes Putin and Zelenskyy "working together" or colluding together, etc.

I'm interested in hearing your theory though.

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My theory covers a LOT of ground, but I'll just hit a few highlights.

First off, I'm sure you know that Putin is an Ex-KGB, and that the Soviet Union was financed by the Big Banks. (Lenin and Trotsky were set up by Kuhn, Loeb and Co. This was all documented in the 1920's.

The current Ukraine was set up by a Color Coup in 2013. (Recall the leaked conversations with Victoria Nuland. And we all know who underwrites NATO and etc.)

WW3 has been in the works for a long time. Recall the letter written by ALbert Pike to Guiseppe Mazzini.

WW1 was totally fake and ghey. The license plate on the car where the Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated reads A111118. That's Armistice Nov 11th 1918.

WW2 was also planned years in advance. The Pacific theatre in particular was cover for a gold heist. The Japanese looted the gold of the Pacific Rim, secreted it in the Philippines, and then the CIA secretly recovered it and used it for black ops.

Pearl Harbor was planned by the militaries of the US and Japan right down to crossing the T.

So what I am saying is that basically Putin, Biden, Zelensky, Trump, and just about every politician you can name is getting their marching orders from the same cabal.

Remember- they are all spraying chemtrails, and they were all in on the plandemic.

Now, I am not saying that Putin and Zelensky are actively colluding together. But they are useful idiots in their respective cubicles of the Big Club.

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Rustam Azhiev is a citizen of Ukraine.

In mid-October 2022, one of the leaders of the Chechen militants, fighting on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Rustam Azhiev , better known as Abdul-Hakim al-Shishani, received Ukrainian citizenship.

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How is he relevant to this story?

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