I agree with all your analysis, except for your summation and conclusion that this was all "a blatant conspiracy to assassinate a former, and potentially future, President of the United States, right before your eyes, live, on national television, in high definition."

No, you came much closer to hitting the proverbial nail on the head when you wrote that Trump's "miraculous survival, and triumphant pose after that attempt, has sky-rocketed his chances for being elected, in anything that resembles a fair election."

Trump and Biden are but two wings of the same bird, and they are using their Trump Wind-up Toy to galvanize the Trump train and the Biden Bus. This is all about pushing the country into a Civil War.

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I agree with your constructive criticism, except for the end about the civil war. I really doubt they want a civil war. If there is armed conflict in this nation, many of them will be targeted. Their infrastructure and investments will be targeted.

I think they are trying to control us so we don't actually have a civil war, but instead fall into certain pre-ordained traps which make us think we are about to have one (jan 6) only to start rounding us up.

The liberals wont fight us en masse, they are largely weak except for the extremist antifags. The immigrants will fight us, but not in any coordinated way unless its terrorist cells. Its not really a civil war IMO, its a revolution we are coming up towards. We are not going to be killing our White American brethren unless they are cops and ZOGbots. We are mostly going to be fighting immigrants and ZOGbots. This is not a civil war - its a revolution where the government is using a mercenary army against its citizens.

My two cents!

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By Civil War, I mean a contrived war. As in previous events, they know exactly where and when the eruptions will occur and have plenty of time to get out of the way.

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It will probably be very contrived, yeah. Hail victory brother.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Myriad Mike

I have read news reports that claim the first lady was in the same town on the same day and that she pulled the SS agents from Trump's team to bolster her team. Have you heard this? And I've also read that the deadly shot that took down the assassin came from 448 yds away from a police sniper's rifle. And there's another story that a ladder wasn't used and that the shooter used an AC unit to scale the roof......and that the rifle was planted at the shed area a day or two before by the shooter. Too me, all of these additional stories add credibility to an inside job by the current administration to take out someone they have failed to stop for five years.


If Trump did not turn his head to the right 90-degrees just a few hundredths of a second before the trigger was pulled, Trump would have taken a direct his to the ear, ending the democrat leftist political problems.

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Yes, I've heard all of that too, and I simultaneously wonder about, doubt, and half-believe, all of it at the same time. "They" are just throwing so much chaff into the air, it's ridiculous! It's like sitting in the writing room for an action movie, with 15 "creatives" all spit-balling ideas about how to make a believable plot!

Seriously! It's like someone is spinning a roulette wheel of "maybes", and "reporting" on everything the ball stops on. It's 15 years of the JFK assassination conspiracy theories, all condensed into 7 days.

And at this point, even if the head of the SS, FBI, and DHS, testified before Congress while hooked to a polygraph, and their hands on bibles, with their mom's staring them dead in the eye to determine if they are lying or telling the truth, how the Hell are we going to be able to believe anything that they say!?

Like many planned events, I think they are fueling the endless litany of bizarre "facts and conspiracies" so they can discredit all of them, by pointing out how ridiculous they are, as they settle the narrative on "bizarre loner, with no motive, lone gunman, security mishap, ends in near miss", and "mistakes were made", "policy reviews", "internal investigations", and an endless stream of meaningless politi-speak public blather, making the entire story insufferable for anyone with a functioning brain, to listen to.

It's all chaff, gorilla dust, and red herrings, meant to obfuscate the obvious- It was a conspiracy to kill Trump, and they are hiding it behind the false flag of "incompetence".

I'll bet that if you and I talk again in a year, or ten, we won't be sure of one more fucking fact, than we are today!!

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Two things I know that are true. One, the shooter didn't walk into the place, with the crowd, through security, with a rifle hidden on his person but he did have a range finder, which was freely admitted and published for all to know.


Two, everyone who wanted Trump stopped; those who made statements that Trump was a threat to democracy, and to the nation, and to all Americans, a that he's the second coming of Hitler, have either extreme constipation or diarrhea, along with complete mental instability......despair and escalating rage........which set in upon them as they watched Trump stand up to rally his base and political fence riders to his cause to Fight Fight Fight.


I wait now, to see just how far the leftist will go next. For this type of 'thing' to occur, it might be true that the leftist doesn't believe they can use the same strategy that worked four years ago---enough Biden votes from 12-7 a.m. on election night to defeat Trump.

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Well, they tried the easiest and safest way, first. (Sniper)

Next, will be up close with a pistol or syringe, by someone with only minutes or hours to live.

Otherwise, they’ve gotta get very creative or very bold.

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I have ready news reports that claim the first lady was in the same town on the same day and that she pulled the SS agents from Trump's team to bolster her team. Have you heard this? And I've also read that the deadly shot that took down the assassin came from 448 yds away from a police sniper's rifle. And there's another story that a ladder wasn't used and that the shooter used a AC unit to scale the roof......and that the rifle was planted at the shed areas a day or two before by the shooter. Too me, all of these additional stories add credibility to an inside job by the current administration to take out someone they have failed to stop for five years.


If Trump did not turn his head to the right 90-degrees just a few hundredths of a second before the trigger was pulled, Trump would have taken a direct his to the ear, ending the democrat leftist political problems.

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This thing is all theatre to the fourth power. At this point I am doubting any shots were actually fired at Trump, and the blood was quickly applied when he ducked behind the podium. That seems to be the most logical explanation. Also, the reaction of the crowd in the video is totally off. If bullets are bouncing around, you would expect those people to scatter like wild banshees. Instead, most of them hardly flinch. Meanwhile, this is the opportunity of a lifetime to post a viral video on JooToob, Fakebook, Shitter... and I don't see one cellphone out in the aftermath.

You have got to be cosmically kidding me.

And considering that they had maximum trolls, shills, and AI Chatbots waiting in the wings to start the charade the minute the imitation bullets stopped flying- I cannot believe anything but the narrative at this point.

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