
And now we see the point of this entire scam-

H.R. 6090


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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Myriad Mike

Outstanding post Mike. This misdirection is threading it very close though. They will come to regret spooling up the Sorosian Army (BLM and ANTIFA). Most of PANTIFA's top street thugs are jews, but the rest of them will be smashing Chabad over the heads in short order! As for the laws and obfuscations, historically, when the jews need to cut this close to the bone, they bleed out...

Leftist "coalitions" have always had strange bedfellows! Feminists, Communists and Muslims all hating White Men, married women and children, for example. They force and congeal these amalgams of shit, some of it comes undone. Muslims may well become a self-deporting, pro-White block, if we can just convince them Whites hate jews for all the same reasons.

“A law against Jew-hatred is usually the beginning of the end for the Jews.” - Joseph Goebbels

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May 4Liked by Myriad Mike

Dancing Israelis is a thing. And how in the heck did those terrorists get over the most secure borders in the history of the planet? Nobody talks about that much

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But it all even worse than that-

Nobody talks about How they succeeded on Oct. 7th, because the story instantly changed to "40 beheaded babies", and "babies baked in ovens", and "mass rapes"(almost all proven 100% false). Then, Israel starting destroying Gaza, and everybody started talking about the 20, 30, 40k men, women and children, killed in the Israeli offensive in Gaza. This went especially viral on TikTok. Who are the primary consumers of TikTok? Young people. What demo is Israel really losing? Young people. What got banned? TikTok. Who is protesting? Mostly young people.

Then, Israel attacks the consulate in Damascus, then Iran responds, so that led the news for a while, primarily the threat of a regional war.

Next up, these protests. So, what is dominating the headlines now? "Antisemitism on campus", and what did it yield? HR 6090! Basically banning the protests, and everything that they would want to say while protesting!

I'm sure something else will come along soon, to distract the masses, and it won't be good.

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May 4Liked by Myriad Mike

Well, I have never met you and yet you completely understand what I have been shown and there are many, many other people that continue to wake up. Despite the near total control of the narrative that they have had for a long, long time. Ben Shapiro as a leader of the conservative movement in the US? What a crock of hooey and more of us are seeing through it. Lets Make America America Again! PS You have put some things into perspective for me that I hadn't thought about before. Thank you again.

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Excellent analysis and very brave under the circumstances (I.e., that stupid, thoroughly unconstitutional law banning saying or writing or even thinking anything the least bit critical of the Jews, even if it’s true). So very very sick if their bull crap. Time for another expulsion!!!

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May 4Liked by Myriad Mike

Violent, is it still 109 or has that number grown since I heard that stat? 150? Just need one more.

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110 for the Win!!

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Not sure. Thought the count was higher but once you get past 50 or so, it’s a bit academic. 😆

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deletedMay 4Liked by Myriad Mike
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Thank you! I try, and it’s not easy in this world of endless lies, propaganda, and PsyOps!

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